Terms and conditions for sale

These are nLogic AS’ standard terms and conditions for sale. They are valid unless otherwise agreed in writing.


  • The offer is valid throughout the agreement time period from current date.
  • E-mail confirmation, with or without signed order letter, is accepted as an order.
  • All prices are excluding VAT, delivered Ex Works nLogic AS, Karenslyst allé 20 (Incoterms 2015), 0278 Oslo
  • All prices are given net per 60 payment days, subject to credit approval.
  • Delayed payment will incur default interest according to the law.
  • All deliveries are nLogic AS’ property, until they are paid in full.


  • All product, software, license and maintenance prices are given based on USD=0,83 Euros value at the date of the offer. If there is a deviation of more than +/- 2% of this value at the time of nLogic AS’ payment to producer, nLogic AS reserves the right to change customer invoice accordingly.
  • Installation, configuration, and training costs are not included in the price.
  • For «trade-in» agreements, full price will be charged unless trade-in unit is received at nLogic within 14 days after delivery of new hardware. Any deviation from this must be agreed in writing before ordering.
  • Equipment delivered to customer for testing purposes, demo purposes, loans and similar will be billed for unless this equipment is returned according to loan agreement.
  • All products are sold with the producers warranty conditions.

Consultancy services and support agreements

  • All consultancy and support assistance are billed hourly,
  • For assignments started between 20:00 – 08:00, a minimum of 4 hours will be billed.
  • For consultancy work Monday-Friday between 16:00 and 08:00, weekends and Norwegian bank holidays there are special hourly rates.
  • All expenses for required travel and stay, will be billed after government fees, in addition to documented expenses like parking, tolls, flights, hotels.
  • Assignments that are cancelled/delayed o Less than 48 hours before the appointment will be billed with 50% of the assignments value, minimum 3 hours.
    • Less than 24 hours before the appointment will be billed entirely, in addition to any travel expenses if the engineer already started his/her travel.
    • Will be charged for ordered, non-refundable travelling tickets.
    • Hourly rates offered are project specific and valid for 3 months. After this the price can be adjusted to the at any given time current price.
  • Service and maintenance agreement are automatically renewed for one year at a time, after the first agreement period, unless written termination or change is given in writing minimum 3 months before expiration of the agreement.


  • Normal delivery time can be up to 7 weeks, depending on product.
  • Delivery times are given based on producer lead time and/or stock and based on normal shipment times from acknowledged freight forwarders. Any delays in delivery does not give grounds for liability or termination of contract.
  • Upon reception of goods, these must without unjustified delay be examined for any transport injuries, and these must immediately be reported to nLogic AS. The same applies to goods that are «Dead-On-Arrival». All RMA requires written approval from nLogic before goods are returned.